Chicken Quesadillas is a one of a very famous Mexican dish commonly made in Mexican household. Mexican food is usually spicy so Pakistani’s enjoys it a lot.
Chicken Quesadillas is a one of a very famous Mexican dish commonly made in Mexican household. Mexican food is usually spicy so Pakistani’s enjoys it a lot.
Take a bowl and add Plain Flour, Salt, Sugar, Baking Powder and mix it well and then add Oil milk and mix it well and then knead it well with Water as you required. After that cover it and rest it for 30 minutes at room temperature.
Now make tortilla breads. Make small balls of the dough and then take a ball and rolling it and then put on the preheated tawa/pan and cook from both sides until it becomes into golden color.
Follow this and make all tortilla breads.
Now take a bowl and add Boneless Chicken, Oil, Salt, Red Chili Powder, Cumin Powder, Paprika crushes chilli flakes Powder, Garlic Powder, Ginger Powder, Thyme, Oregano and mix it well and rest it for 20 minutes at room temperature.
After that take a pan and add this marinated chicken and then stir it well on medium flame and cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes on medium flame.
After that add Capsicum, Onion, Tomato and stir it well for 3 minutes on medium flame and then turn off the flame.
Now take tawa/pan and place a tortilla bread and then sprinkle Cheddar and Mozzarella cheese and then place chicken stuffing and then again sprinkle Cheddar and Mozzarella cheese and then cover with second tortilla bread and then press it and then sprinkle some oil and cook it From both sides until it becomes into golden color. Follow this and make all Chicken Quesadillas. Serve hot!
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